The Selmanaires 3-21-2006 @ The EARL
I had planned to post the Cold War Kids set from Friday today, but I'm still waiting to hear back from the band with regard to the title of a non-album track. Expect it in the next day or so.
Rather than CWK, I thought I'd share a live set by another C&T favorite -- The Selmanaires.

Herb Harris of The Selmanaires. Photo by Alex Adan.
I skipped the Selmanaires show here Friday to see the CWK/Figs/TnT showcase, so I'm ready for a live fix anyway. For my money these guys are the best local band playing out right now. I've posted on them here before so I won't recycle the bio. However, I've yet to be disappointed by the Harris twins and Tommy when I've ventured out to see them. "In the Direction of Yes" and "Selmanaire Rock" in particular kick my ass every single time. The set available here today was their first local gig after a couple months of touring the eastern half of the U.S. We were glad to have them back, to say the least. It didn't hurt that The Joggers opened for them. Here's the set, as taped by yours truly:
The Selmanaires
March 21, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Taped and converted by Rich Vining
Taping: SP CMC-4's > batt box> Nomad Jukebox 3
Conversion: JB3> Dell Inspiron 6000 > Cool Edit Pro > mkwACT
01. GMAFB*
02. All I Really Want to Know
03. banter
04. Let's Go There
05. Images
06. banter
07. In the Direction of Yes
08. banter
09. Standing In Line at an Elevator
10. Just To Get Your Love
11. LMNO6
12. Selmanaire Rock
13. banter
14. Last Great Dive
15. Turns to Stone
16. audience/banter
- Encore -
17. Psychotic Reaction [Count Five cover]
18. banter
19. 19th Nervous Breakdown [Rolling Stones cover]
*missing first ~5 seconds; had trouble powering up deck (oops)
The Joggers and Dirty on Purpose opened the show
First Selmanaires show back in Atlanta after going on tour
If there's demand for a lossless seed, I can do that too. Just say the word and if there's a critical mass I'll do the deed.
While I'm at it, I highly recommend picking up their album. I've had it for about six months and it's never gone out of regular rotation here at C&T headquarters. It's available from Atlanta's own International Hits Records for a mere $10.
Upcoming Selmanaires tourdates:
Jun 16 2006 - Bottle Tree, Birmingham, AL (w/ Dan Sartain)
Jun 23 2006 - The Mercy Lounge, Nashville, TN
Jun 28 2006 - Relative Theory Records Norfolk, VA (w/ Birdmonster and The Talk)
Jun 29 2006 - Guadalupe Cafe, Sylva, NC (w/ Hope Dialect)
Jul 1 2006 - Broadway's, Asheville, NC (w/ The Makeout Room)
Jul 2 2006 - Elliott's Revue, Winston-Salem, NC (w/ Little Mascara)
Jul 21 2006 - Lenny's Bar, Atlanta, GA (w/ Liverhearts and Thee Crucials)
Jul 28 2006 - The 40 Watt Club, Athens, GA (w/ Deerhunter)
Aug 12 2006 - The Soul Bar, Augusta, GA (w/ Snowden)
Aug 19 2006 - Drunken Unicorn, Atlanta, GA (w/ Snowden and 63 Crayons)
when the hardcore locals talk about who is the best band to see live in the ATL, it's the selmanaires and the black lips. what is a hardcore local you ask? one who would venture into a deathtrap like lenny's to see a band. not surprising, those two bands have the most loyal fans also.
9:08 AM
rich- that comment was from me. but of course you knew that right?
9:11 AM
I guessed as much. Heh.
BTW, looks like no live Selmanaires or Black Lips in town for about a month. I'm not sure how the city will cope.
9:14 AM
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