Benefit show in Atlanta tonight, October 24, with Herb and Jason Harris of The Selmanaires, others
Late notice, but a great event tonight...

I'm on the way out the door to see W here in Athens, but there's an event worth hitting at the Highland Inn Lounge in Atlanta (644 N. Highland Ave. (between North Ave. and Ponce) ) tonight, Friday, October 24. Here are the details:
Fundraiser to benefit the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation at the Highland Inn Lounge. Multiple myeloma is an incurable blood cancer. All proceeds from the event will go towards funding research and giving hope to patients. Just $5 at the door to hear entertainment by:
Harris Twins (of The Selmanaires)
Sleep Therapy
Night Moves Gold
DJ Tim Lawrence throughout evening
The evening includes a silent art auction and raffle with prizes from Cafe di Sol, Young Blood, Adult Swim, the Local, GA Aquarium, BTB fitness, Videodrome and more.
It all starts at 8pm, so please spread the word to folks who may be interested.
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