Sunday, January 13

Drug Rug hits Atlanta 1/19 with Jupiter Watts, Luigi

I nearly dismissed them based on their name alone, but I've been pleasantly surprised by Boston's Drug Rug. They're a throwback to the psychedelia-flavored pop rock of the late 1960s and early 1970s, which is right up my alley. Might not be breaking a lot of new ground, but there's not necessarily anything wrong with standing on the shoulders of giants.

Drug Rug - Day I Die
Drug Rug - Winter Time

Drug Rug will appear at The EARL in Atlanta on January 19, sharing the stage with local indie acts Jupiter Watts and Luigi. Both are favorites here at C&T, so that's a fine lineup.

Jupiter Watts - Nothing At All
Luigi - Mariposa

For more on Drug Rug, including extensive tour dates, see their Myspace.


Blogger AmyM said...

Thanks, I'll try to make it early

11:13 AM


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