'Narrow Stairs' cover query
Death Cab for Cutie revealed the Narrow Stairs (due May 13) album art a couple days ago. Thoughts?

I'm hoping it's a product of the first time somebody's niece or nephew played with Microsoft Paint for an hour. Otherwise, not impressed.
Yes, I'll be buying the record anyway.
i can't decide if that's like awesomely modern or just crap.
1:30 AM
Maybe if I stare at it long enough, an image will emerge?
Or, you know, blindness will set in...
11:44 AM
MMS, that totally reminds me of this old Dave Matthews Band cover. Haven't seen that in a loooong time.
12:05 PM
My eyes!
Did we ever establish what the Two Things were that we're supposed to remember?
10:05 AM
it's very quilts-of-gees-bend-esque.
3:40 PM
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