Something to do tonight that's not a house party

Slushco, Elevado, Tenth to the Moon, and The Subliminator will be playing at the newly renovated ISP Space in East Atlanta (next to the EARL) starting around 8pm. 494 Flat Shoals Ave SE, Atlanta, Georgia 30316. I haven't been there yet, so it'll be my first time checking it out, too. I believe it's a $5 suggested donation at the door. And there's also going to be art there.
Slushco - Jenny The Barfly
Elevado - Our Turn Came Tonight
Tenth To The Moon - Kromium
Thanks! It's so fun to think outside my local (DC) scene every now and then to find out about the musical goods in another metropolis. I moved away from Atlanta before there was even an EARL, so it's great to peep back into the current scene.
1:16 PM
I really enjoyed the new lineup of Tenth to the Moon last night. They reminded me of the 1980's (and recently reunited) band VietNam.
9:56 PM
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