Friday Night Fights: Knockout!!!
While Ram may have been kind of a tool, you ought not mess with Computer Fist. His digital digits make fists of fury:

From James Kochalka's Super F*ckers #1, which is pretty much what the Legion of Super-Heroes would be like if they were all assholes.
Bahlactus brings the pain.
Bonus mp3: James Kochalka Superstar - Superf*ckers Theme Song
Atlanta comics enthusiasts note that Todd McFarlane will be signing autographs at CNN Center on Saturday and Sunday (1/26 and 1/27) from 2-5pm. He'll actually be there promoting McFarlane Toys, but I'll be there with a copy of All-Star Squadron #47. Thanks to Devlin for digging that out of the back issues at Bizarro Wuxtry!
That's not a big IF.
1:53 PM
4:45 PM
HUGE concert announcement at
6:29 PM
It's MSTRKRFT, for the curious.
Thanks, anon. Doesn't interest me though.
6:37 PM
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