Stream new albums from The Selmanaires, Anna Kramer and The Lost Cause!!!

The terrific new albums from both The Selmanaires and Anna Kramer and The Lost Cause are due out on Tuesday, and now you can hear them in advance. The blog for their label, Atlanta-based International Hits, is streaming both albums -- GO LISTEN NOW!
Both have been dominating my stereo lately, and if you're a long-time reader you know I'm excited. Buy the goodness from International Hits.
The Selmanaires - Reason and Chance
Anna Kramer and The Lost Cause - When You See Him
I hope to write proper reviews soon, but I have some professional commitments to tackle first. Atlanta locals note that both bands will play at Criminal Records on Tuesday to celebrate the new records, and the proper release show is at The EARL on Saturday, January 26. I'll be there with bells on.
what time is the criminal instore? i'll be at that and the EARL show for sho. see ya then!
9:59 AM
According to the Criminal website, it's at 7pm. They never start on time though, so you could prob add a little cushion to that.
10:16 AM
Oh, and I won't make it to the in-store. I teach on Tuesday nights in Athens.
10:56 AM
ah well i'll be sure to see ya saturday night.v
10:59 AM
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