Around the horn

Kneel before Zod.
Some news and views of interest....
Amazon is having a huge DVD sale
Creative Loafing's Crib Notes blog has been great lately. Today Chad notes that Gentlemen Jesse got some love in December's Spin magazine, and has recently featured that band's Jesse Smith along with Mathis Hunter (The Selmanaires, Noot d'Noot) and Jason NeSmith (Casper & the Cookies).
Gentlemen Jesse - You Don't Have To (If You Don't Want To)
Noot d'Noot - Neighborhood Clucker
Casper & the Cookies - You Love Me
Stereogum notes that Decatur-based Paste has revealed its Top 50 for 2008. Some surprising picks, and a #1 that I really don't feel deserves the spot.
Paste:Local Atlanta catches up with Noot d'Noot.
Aquarium Drunkard writes up the Vic Chesnutt/Elf Power collaboration Dark Developments
Vic Chesnutt/Elf Power - And How
The New Yorker says that Coldplay may be breaking up next year.
MTV's Splash Page claims that an Incredible Hulk sequel is in the works, and that the Jade Giant (maybe Ed Norton, maybe not) is likely to take on The Leader portrayed by Tim Blake Nelson.
The gang at /Film claim that an Arrested Development flick is ever closer to becoming a reality.
The Day Jobs previews the weekend ahead in Athens, while OhmPark does the same for Atlanta.
Wow that Paste top 50 is pretty dismal.
Also their description of the She and Him record applies to one song on the record while the rest of it teeters between boring and irritating. Bummer too as Zoey Dechanel and her voice are dreamy as the day is long.
4:19 PM
Agreed re: the record and Zooey. I will admit, though, that I've had trouble coming up with a solid Top 10 myself. Still, that isn't what I'd put at the top. It's fine but not stellar.
Have to chuckle at the mid-level inclusion of Lil' Wayne as the lone rap album. Great to see Gentleman Jesse show up at #19 though.
4:22 PM
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