Sports & Music at
Over at the website of CNN/Sports Illustrated, they have a feature today on sports and music. Among the features is a list of the 10 Greatest Sports Songs. They specified that their picks had to be good for listening either at the ballgame/arena/track/stadium or away, which they used to justify the exclusion of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" altogether (bastards!). Here are their picks:
10. Stephen Foster - "My Old Kentucky Home" (1953)
09. Alan Courtney and Ben Homer - "Joltin' Joe Dimaggio" (1941)
08. Bruce Springsteen - "Glory Days" (1984)
07. John Fogerty - "Centerfield" (1985)
06. Leo Arnaud - "Bugler's Dream" (aka "Olympic Fanfare") (1958)
05. Joe Raposo - "Winners" (1973)
04. Bill Conti - "Gonna Fly Now" (Rocky theme) (1976)
03. Freeman "Brother Bones" Davis - "Sweet Georgia Brown" (1925)
02. Lavallee/Routhier (French), Weir (English) - "Oh, Canada" (1880/1908)
01. Freddie Mercury - "We Are the Champions" (1977)
Well, at least they left off "YMCA" and anything by Pink or the Black-Eyed Peas. No "Eye of the Tiger"? Or "Rock and Roll, Pt. 2"? Hmm. Then again, maybe they decided to exclude sex offenders from the list.
Personally, as a Cubs fan, I've gotta go with this one:
Steve Goodman - A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request
Even if you don't root for the Baby Bears from the North Side, it's a really clever little tune. And it'll help you relate to our misery. Sigh.
They also have features on underplayed songs (including Primus and The Kinks), odd albums by sports stars (Shaq Fu, anyone?), and a photo gallery of athletes who have dabbled in music.
Also, I now want this:

You show that tooth decay who's boss, champ.
It's not really stadium quality, having been recorded on a boom box, but if you're a Cubs fan don't forget "Cubs in Five" by the Mountain Goats.
7:20 PM
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