John Vanderslice to tour, play The EARL 9/20

John Vanderslice has announced fall tour dates, including a Septemeber 20 show at The EARL in Atlanta. He will be touring to support his new release, Emerald City, due July 24. It is now available for pre-order from Barsuk Records. Here's the southern leg:
9/17 The Social, Orlando, FL
9/18 Cafe Eleven, St. Augustine, FL
9/19 Club Downunder, Tallahassee, FL
9/20 The EARL, Atlanta, GA
9/21 Duke Coffeehouse, Chapel Hill, NC
From Emerald City: John Vanderslice - White Dove
The full set of tour dates is available at You Ain't No Picasso.
While I'm at it, here is a radio appearance by Vanderslice that I taped several months before C&T was up and running. He co-hosted the All Request Show on WRAS 88.5, the terrific radio station of Georgia State University. I included only the part of the show in which JV was interviewed and a played a few acoustic songs.
John Vanderslice
August 5, 2005 - WRAS 88.5, Atlanta, GA
1. banter
2. Pale Horse
3. Dead Slate Pacific
4. Dear Sara Shu
5. Sara Shu banter
6. White Plains
7. banter/interview
I also taped his appearance at Criminal Records a couple days later. You can download it at the Live Music Archive.
Glad to see The EARL once again book acts which interest me.
You can also check out a Vanderslice interview that Merlin Mann did recently at his site The Merlin Show.
8:25 PM
Love this blog, will add it to my links
8:35 PM
Thanks Nick!
8:44 PM
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