Brooke Waggoner - "Hush If You Must"

In a world where St. Vincent, Regina Spektor, and Jesca Hoop are widely embraced, it seems there ought to be mad love for Nashville's Brooke Waggoner. She's at times playful and heartfelt, and her piano-based pop has the Music City crowd raving. It doesn't hurt that she wears many hats as performer, composer, arranger, and producer.
Waggoner's current EP is titled Fresh Pair of Eyes and is available online or via iTunes. It has received rave reviews from local press, with the the Nashville Rage gushing " may be her chops that propel this six-song EP and provide it with many of its ear-catching moments -- ornate, swooping strings (arranged by Waggoner) and meticulous piano runs -- but what's really impressive about Waggoner's work is its untrained beauty, which is often lacking in many other classically trained singer-songwriters..." A taste of the EP:
Brooke Waggoner - Hush If You Must
Wagonner has just announced the dates of her fall tour, during which she'll visit a healthy portion of the U.S. including (drumroll.....) Athens and Atlanta.
9/7 Mercy Lounge, Nashville, TN
9/8 The Bread & Bagel, Bowling Green, KY
9/15 Exit/In, Nashville, TN
10/3 The Canal Room, NY, NY
10/6 The End, Nashville, TN
10/9 World Grotto, Knoxville, TN
10/10 The Roaming Gnome, Sevierville, TN
10/11 Olde Ale House, Auburn, AL
10/12 Flying Monkey Arts, Huntsville, AL
10/13 P&H Cafe, Memphis, TN
10/14 Soundpony Lounge, Tulsa, OK
10/15 Converence, Oklahoma City, OK
10/16 Doublewide Bar, Dallas, TX
10/17 Arlene's Grocery, NY, NY
10/18 3 Kings, Denver, CO
10/20 Kilby Court, Salt Lake City, UT
10/21 XOXO, Reno, Nevada
10/22 The Maltese, Chico, CA
10/23 Stork Club, Oakland, CA
10/25 Tonic Lounge, Portland, OR
10/26 The Blue Pepper, Salem, OR
10/27 The Gadfly, La Grande, OR
10/28 High Dive, Seattle, WA
10/29 Luckeys Bar, Eugene, OR
10/30 Veni Vidi Vidi, Fresno, CA
11/2 Muddy Waters, Santa Barbara, CA
11/3 Zia Records, Las Vegas, NV
11/5 Casa Blanca Lounge, Phoenix, AZ
11/7 Broncos, Fort Worth, TX
11/8 TBA, New Orleans, LA
11/9 The Handlebar, Greenville, SC
11/10 Rhinos, Columbus, GA
11/14 Head on the Door, Montgomery, AL
11/15 The Mission Live, Augusta, GA
11/16 The 40 Watt, Athens, GA
11/17 Lenny's, Atlanta, GA
11/24 Schuba's, Chicago, IL
You can check out an NPR piece on Waggoner from December 2006, or visit her Myspace for more info. There's also a nice interview with her at Listen! Nashville.
wow this is good, and yay for an Auburn show!
12:37 AM
ooohhhh, don't go making me jelous (re Black Kids gig), if i'm ever in Athens i'll buy ya a drink for that tip !!! And yes, i agree with Paul...very good.
5:55 AM
The 9/7 show at Mercy Lounge is part of Next Big Nashville... which you should come to town for! Kyle Andrews is also playing that showcase and Brooke sings on one of his new songs (which you should check out, I just posted it yesterday).
10:29 AM
no durham/chapel hill/raleigh love? damn!
it's a little complicated
1:26 PM
sweet, and a stop in eugene! too bad it's at luckey's though... thanks for the tip, she sounds awesome.
11:15 PM
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