Contest: 63 Crayons and Jupiter Watts CD giveaway!

Thanks to the generosity of C&T friend Cassinator (hi Cassie!), I have a couple fine albums by Georgia bands to give away. The CDs in question are The 63 Crayons' Spoils for Survivors and Jupiter Watts' current self-titled album. Good stuff, but I already have my own.
The 63 Crayons are from right here in Athens, and Jupiter Watts are a fine Atlanta band. Both have been featured on C&T before, so I'll spare the full bios. In short, 63 Crayons' are in the psych-pop/punk realm these days, while Jupiter Watts bring the melodic pop-rock with dueling guitarist/vocalists. I'm a fan.
The 63 Crayons - Revolution Fight Song
The Jupiter Watts - Nothing At All
If you'd like to enter to win the pair, send me an e-mail (not a comment) with "63JW" in the subject line. I'll pick a winner at random on Wednesday, November 14. Good luck!
Bonus mp3: The Jupiter Watts - Strange Things Happen Every Day
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