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The first full day of Athens Popfest is on the books, but I'm too tired to write much now. It's 4AM, after all. After watching the Cubs beat the Braves this afternoon, we made it back to Athens for the evening slate at Little Kings. I'll briefly note that Supercluster and Nana Grizol were quite good, and the trio of Atlanta bands (The Coathangers, Judi Chicago, The Selmanaires) were a lot of fun. Judi Chicago in particular was terrific -- they also seem to have dominated my selection of pictures from the night. I guess that's what happens when a band is entertaining, energetic, and wears nifty outfits.
Judi Chicago - Mad Ape
More to come later. I taped everything this evening and we took about 200 pictures, but I need sleep.
Two posts of note at the Paste blog, as (1) a reader tours cool record stores including Atlanta's Criminal Records and Nashville's Grimey's and (2) Paste reveals the crazy packaging for Of Montreal's Skeletal Lamping. Thanks to Roger for the tip!
Judi Chicago's been getting noticed a lot more lately. I think Have You Heard's doing an interview/studio session with them for their next podcast.
10:10 AM
hey rich,
sorry we didn't get to meet yesterday. i understand the call of sports!
- jason
11:43 AM
Yep, I was miffed that I had to miss Boy Genius and Afternoon Naps. My 20+ years of Cubs fandom won out. Probably my last Cubs game this year.
12:05 PM
Rich, nice to meet you last night: albeit briefly. Sorry if I was a little bit spaced. I got cosmic in a van somewhere.
Look forward to seeing you out and about again sometime!
Ben (Judi C.)
12:27 PM
@ Ben
Back at you -- pleased I finally saw you guys play out. I finally bought the JC record too so I'll check that out soon.
12:31 PM
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