Relocation complete

After several days of moving, shopping, etc., my move to Athens is complete.
Cary Ann Hearst - Athens
I should be able to give the blog some attention again now that I'm back online. Yay!
posted by Rich at 9:23 PM
If you have news tips, gripes, praise, recommendations, or advertising inquiries feel free to e-mail Rich.
Yes! We missed ya!
10:06 PM
i recently left athens for charleston, but athens is still one great place to be. good luck!
and thank you for sharing the cary ann! i was a little disappointed she didn't play this one on her recent stops there. maybe this weekend at melting point...
12:41 AM
welcome back Rich! Missed your posts! haha
3:05 AM
miss you already...good luck over there and keep them posts coming!
9:09 AM
welcome to athens... if you didn't already know, you need to pick up a copy of flagpole magazine. anything you could want to know about who's playing where when is in there.
11:25 AM
Hehe. I've been published in Flagpole. Got the check in my wallet to prove it. ;)
I really should deposit that...
1:12 PM
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