New albums from The Selmanaires, Anna Kramer & Lost Cause
Atlanta-based International Hits has announced a pair of forthcoming releases that have me all kinds of excited. New records from both The Selmanaires and Anna Kramer are due on January 22, 2008.

The record from The Selmanaires will be called The Air Salesman, and follows their 2005 debut that was a local sensation. If you've been reading here long, you probably know this post-punk quartet is my favorite from Atlanta. They've just wrapped up a tour with Black Lips, and have upcoming shows with those gents as well as Pylon, 63 Crayons, Deerhunter, New Sound of Numbers, and The Coathangers.
The Selmanaires - Reason and Chance [from The Air Salesman]
I'm sooooo looking forward to this record...
The album from Anna Kramer & Lost Cause will be their first under that name, and Anna's second full-length along with a successful 7" on Rob's House Records. This outfit includes Shannon Mulvaney (bass; ex-Magnapop) and Adam Renshaw (drums; ex-Forty Fives) along with the diminutive Kramer. While Anna can work the delicate side of country and R&B all day, I'm told the new record will mostly feature the band's hard rockin' side that makes their live shows kick ass. The first track released indicates that just might be the case:
Anna Kramer & Lost Cause - When You See Him [from The Rustic Contemporary Sounds of Anna Kramer & Lost Cause]
Can't wait to get my hands on this one either. January 22 is going to be sweet.
International Hits is currently selling limited edition 7" releases from each act -- it's $10 for the pair, and I put my order in just minutes ago.
Kinda odd that the Selmanaires record doesn't come out until mid-Jan as 88.5 FM here seems to be playing it a good bit. I know radio stations get advance copies but that alot of advance time...
2:20 PM
Sorry, Charlie...but please get your head out of your ass. It's MUSIC, listen and get into it, or don't. Get back to what's real. Your attempt at criticism is proper rubbish.
10:25 AM
I didn't get the impression that Charlie was really being critical of the music itself.
Glad these records will be out soon!
10:35 AM
Rich, that's precisely my point. If one's gonna be critical, be critical about the music. Why waste one's time speculating on radio airplay and release dates? I know it's just my own point of view, but, being in a band that has received its share of criticism and praise, it seems to me that music fans and lovers put so much attention on things that don't matter.
10:54 AM
Ah, gotcha! Thanks for clarifying. See what you mean now.
See you guys again soon, I hope. Just might make it to Star Bar at NYE if I get back to Georgia by then. I'm in Missouri right now waiting for my nephew to be born.
11:04 AM
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