Smashing Pumpkins tix remain for Thurs., Fri. in Atlanta

So, I still don't like this whole fake Smashing Pumpkins tour, and Corgan's voice still drives me up a wall most of the time. However, I thought I should note that there are tickets available for their Fox Theater shows on Thursday and Friday in Atlanta. Buy 'em if you want. I'd rather be at Black Kids/Lolligags and/or Jens Lekman/Long Knives this week, but that's me. Go nuts.
It's gonna be a great show. Be there. Not to mention that it's FREE. You can buy me a beer, even.
1:11 PM
No chance I'd be there. At all. heh.
2:22 PM
I was speaking more to your readers, but you can buy me a beer as well. I mean, if you decide to show up and all.
I've been to Drunken Unicorn several times when I visit ATL, but where do they actually play? In that room behind the dance floor? Seems like it'd be a little small. Either way, it'd be enjoyable, no less.
3:13 PM
Oh, and the Drunken Unicorn question was related to the JL concert on Friday... I know I had no context there.
3:16 PM
Ooooohhhh. Gotcha.
Re: the DU, there's a decent size stage at the end of the room. You might be talking about the other room, where the bar is. Right? Or are we talking about the same space with the velvet unicorn paintings and stuff on the wall?
3:24 PM
I think we're talking about the same room. I'd only seen it a few times whilst in a drunken stupor -- so although I might have imagined seeing a few things, a unicorn wasn't one of them (that time.) Maybe the room is bigger than what I remember. At any rate, thanks for your time! I'll come back often.
3:30 PM
I won't be going but here's some advice to those of you who will be- Don't be too cool to check out the opening band, What Made Milwaukee Famous. They'll be the best part of the show.
7:26 PM
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