This weekend in Athens: 'Meanwhile, Back at the Super Lair....'
I'm going to see Wicked tonight at the Fabulous Fox in Atlanta, and it looks like I'll hit another bit of theater during the weekend in Athens.

The Town and Gown Players are presenting Meanwhile, Back at the Super Lair this weekend at the Athens Community Theater (115 Grady Ave., off downtown). It will run for this weekend only, from October 17-19. They will have three shows, with performances on Friday (8pm), Saturday (8pm), and Sunday (2pm). The blurb:
And you thought Batman had issues . . . .
What good are superheroes in a city with no crime? Their leader spends most of his time on the psychiatrist’s couch and the other heroes at the Superlair have devolved into mere fussy roommates, squabbling over dishes and fighting over the TV remote. What use, they wonder, is a bachelor’s degree in fighting evildoers? What use is a superhero that is neither super nor heroic? When a real threat finally emerges, can the Super Tribe finally become the heroes they’ve always pretended to be? Find out October 17-19!
I understand it's for mature audiences, so be warned it's probably not for kiddos.
Admission is $5, and no reservations are required.
This sounds hilarious. I'm definitely in!
3:57 PM
Hmmm, I might have to take a day trip out to Athens this Sunday.
6:23 PM
Ryan -- I haven't decided if I'm going on Sat. or Sun. yet. Drop me an e-mail and I'll send my cell number.
12:49 AM
Will do.
1:04 PM
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