M Coast - new songs

I'd like to offer a prediction right now. The forthcoming M Coast album, Say It in Slang, is going to be terrific. For those who don't know, M Coast is the new incarnation of Athens-based Marshmallow Coast. The band was formerly the project of Andy Gonzalez (ex-Of Montreal) and friends, but in its current version it is also spearheaded by musical jack-of-all-trades Derek Almstead (who has collaborated and/or toured with just about every band under the Elephant 6 umbrella). I wound up on their MySpace page today where they have some new tracks streaming, and they're just killer. So much so that I wanted to share them with C&T's readers. Check 'em out:
M Coast - Sail Around the World
M Coast - Out of the Water
M Coast - Johnny Kasai
"Sail Around the World" and "Out of the Water" are ridiculously good little pop songs. The former is a fun romp, while the latter has a sort of ominous psychedelic mood throughout. Slow-jam "Johnny Kasai" has a new wave feel to it, and I'm not sure how anyone could resist that opening line. "There lives in town a badass dude who goes by Johnny Kasai..." The Pat Metheny-esque guitar and hand claps at the end flat out rule.
No idea when the album will be released just yet, so for now go be their friend so they can keep you posted. I'm sure I'll share the news here as well. Bet you guessed that though, huh?
M Coast on MySpace.
Derek Almstead on MySpace.
Thanks to Optical Atlas for doing the interviews linked above!
I love these guys, and I can't wait for Say it in Slang. They also have an album of instrumental recordings, Bizarre Classical, which should be released this year too.
10:48 AM
I can't wait for this album, I have to listen to Johnny Ksai everytime I go on myspace.
9:58 PM
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