Ramones tribute and rarities

Wow, the gems that get lost in our music collections. Just stumbled across this today, and forgot I even had it. This is a Ramones tribute compilation released in 2003, shortly after Joey and Dee Dee Ramone passed away (in 2001 and 2002, respectively). Titled We're a Happy Family, the album includes a who's who of mainstream rock stars from the time. Notably, the artists included were apparently selected by Johnny Ramone and Rob Zombie. Mr. Zombie also seemingly took enough time off from scaring small children and driving Grandpa Munster's car around to design the album's artwork and packaging. Here are a few tracks from the compilation -- I'd say my favorite is probably the Pete Yorn entry. Then again, I used to play the hell out of musicforthemorningafter.
Pete Yorn - I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
The Offspring - I Wanna Be Sedated
Rob Zombie - Blitzkrieg Bop
The album also features tracks by The Pretenders, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tom Waits, Eddie Vedder, KISS, Rooney, Green Day, Metallica, and others. If you're a fan of the Ramones or any of the above acts, this is probably worth picking up. There are a number of inexpensive used copies available from both Half.com or Amazon.com, or you can even order it directly from Sony for $9. Each of those retailers has the full tracklist for your perusal.
For more on the Ramones see their homepage or their Wikipedia entry.
Bonus mp3:
Dee Dee Ramone - Sheena Is a Punk Rocker (Barbara "Ramone" Zampini on vocals)
The Ramones - Surfin' Safari [Beach Boys cover]
Also, I can't stop listening to "LDN" by Lily Allen. Someone may need to stage an intervention. Stereogum has the mp3. Help!
You have some GREAT stuff here. I had forgotten to post that Yorn track, but it is a nice Ramones tribute. I saw the Ramones open for Pearl Jam once in 1997. It was like "ONETWOTHREEFOUR!! - insert two minutes of punk rock here -- ONETWOTHREEFOUR!! -- next song..." A unique breed, to be sure.
6:12 PM
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