Comfort music and exercises in sanity maintenance

Many of you probably know that I am very, very fond of both The Mountain Goats and The Decemberists. You might also be surprised to know that despite that fact I still haven't listened to either Get Lonely or The Crane Wife even though they're both available at my fingertips. I'm waiting to listen to them until I can give them my full attention rather than have them as background music while I read government documents and obsess over hazard coefficients.
As a result, I've retreated into the aural equivalent of comfort food -- perennial favorites that I can enjoy in the background while dithering away with other things. Here's what's been spinning at C&T HQ this week:
The Mountain Goats - The Sunset Tree
Modest Mouse - The Moon & Antarctica
Beulah - The Coast Is Never Clear
Pavement - Brighten the Corners
Nick Drake - Way to Blue: An Introduction to
You might already have all those in your music libraries but, if not, here are some samples:
The Mountain Goats - This Year
Modest Mouse - Tiny Cities Made of Ashes
Beulah - Popular Mechanics for Lovers
Pavement - Shady Lane
Nick Drake - Time Has Told Me
I should add that Van Morrison's Moondance is probably my most frequently played album in this category. Love it.
Well, that's my comfort music at the moment. What's yours?
Anytime I need some good instrumental music while I'm studying, I turn to Japancakes, Sagor & Swing, Los Straightjackets, The Ghastly Ones, or Drums & Tuba.
3:29 PM
Wow, I hadn't heard Drums & Tuba mentioned in ages. Nice.
3:35 PM
erm, actually, the new decemberists cd! u should DEFF listen to it if u can. ITS AMAZING
5:36 PM
I will, I will. Count on it. :)
5:53 PM
Van Morrison's Astral Weeks.
11:15 PM
Get Lonely needs more than one or two listens to work. My first listen or two - disappointing. It might be the perfect music to have on in the background, as it grows into your consciousness. It wasn't the big and immediate "Oh yeah" that The Sunset Tree was.
12:37 AM
Mountain Goats fans: Check out this video of the always-clever-and-charming John Darnielle talking about his favorite albums:
1:46 PM
That was fun to watch. Didn't know those features were out there on YouTube. I'll have to check out Meloy's soon.
3:37 PM
those are seriously ALL of my comfort albums. add "a charlie brown christmas" though. i dont know why. family, i guess.
12:23 AM
Wow, anon, that's kinda scary. Heh.
Not the Charlie Brown part.
1:04 AM
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