Porlolo - Storm and Season

Here's another artist I've been turned on to by one of my old running crew -- Lance recently urged me to check out the debut from Denver's Porlolo. As best I can tell, Porlolo is primarily Erin Roberts. Her music is generally somewhere between country-folk and folk-rock, reminding this listener of such artists as Madeline or Jesse Sykes.
Porlolo's Storm and Season is a strong first release, with tracks both heartfelt and uplifting (though not always simultaneously). Horn arrangements and harmonies complement the traditional guitar-bass-drums setup, giving many of the songs a rich texture. While this record is squarely within a genre in which it can be difficult to stand out, I suspect Roberts is well on her way to doing just that.
Porlolo - Usetonaut
Porlolo - Breakdown
Storm and Season is available from CD Baby.
Erin spent several months in Athens in spring of '06, though I don't think she ever played a Porlolo show. Maybe one? She played trumpet with Phosphorescent at several shows - met that band right before SXSW '06 and tagged along with 'em - including one at the EARL that Sloan recorded.
10:55 AM
Wow, I had no idea. Small world, eh?
11:16 AM
Check out this lo-fi video for the Phosphorescent tune "I'm a Full Grown Man" that my friend Jason Howe shot. Erin's the one on trumpet (in the video, not on the recording).
5:41 PM
Check this video out, too. More trumpet, I'm pretty sure it is Erin also. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOyg1Dz9i
1:48 PM
Carrie, link no worky. Getting this message:
"The url contained a malformed video id."
Try again?
Also, Madeline informed me today that she's played twice with Porlolo in Denver. Go figure.
1:53 PM
try this one..
2:08 PM
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