Rabbit is a Sphere - Laps in the Sleep Saloon

Continuing our exploration of Denver's recent output, C&T now turns its attention to Rabbit is a Sphere. They have just released their album Laps in the Sleep Saloon on Needlepoint Records. The band is a quartet comprised of several veterans of the Denver indie scene, and it's apparent that each contributes to the final product. This is in part because the album is actually a bit schizophrenic; both the lyrical content and sound of the band are a bit all over the map. There are introspective moments ("Cough and Convince"), lo-fi classic indie riffs ("Stars at Noon"), angular post-rock tunes ("Drag"), and even distorted goofy punk ("Stutt Family Happy Puppet"). They're not as consistently frenetic as Ice Cream Socialists, but they certainly have their moments.
Press accounts frequently compare them to Fugazi or X, but their heavier moments actually remind me of Nick Cave's current Grinderman project. Their lighter moments, on the other hand, strike me as something between Yo La Tengo and The Breeders. The latter is likely just because of the female lead vocal on a few of the tracks, but it probably fits. To give you an idea of their diversity, here's one big ol' rock track ("American Lust") and one of a moodier sort ("Cough and Convince") :
Rabbit is a Sphere - Cough and Convince
For more on Rabbit is a Sphere, check out their Myspace. Laps in the Sleep Saloon is available from CD Baby.
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