Fall semester, be gone!

The fall semester is winding down, and I give my last exam tomorrow. Still have lots of other academic duties for another week or so, but it's nice to see the end is near. I hope your life isn't as crazy as mine right now.
Guided by Voices - Big School
Gert Jan Kole - What Did You Learn in School Today?
Some big personal academic news should follow in about a week...
Amen to the end of a semester. I'll be back in GA 12/23-1/8, and hope to come and visit you in Athens if you'll be there/if there's anything happening there. Maybe I'll see you at the Star Bar for Thee Crucials and Tiger! Tiger! on the 28th or New Years Eve for The Forty-Fives, Gringo Star, The Booze, and El Capitan and Thee Scallywags. See you soon. Maybe.
7:58 AM
Alex -- sounds good. I'll be in Missouri from about 12/20-12/27 or so and back after that. NYE with The Forty-Fives, etc., is indeed my current plan.
You'll have to tell me all about NY...
8:05 AM
dude, what's up with this 80 degree weather? my finals are done, but it left me with very little inclination to be anywhere but outside.
10:43 AM
I'm not complaining. My aunt in Indiana couldn't leave her house the other day because of all the ice on the roads.
Ah, the Midwest. Suckers.
10:51 AM
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