Nana Grizol - "Circles 'Round the Moon"

It's quite a feat for an 87-second song to wriggle its way into my head for three months, but Nana Grizol has accomplished it. "Circles 'Round the Moon" is a little pop gem, with lyrics I can't help but sing. And really, it should "be unlawful to live where you can't see the stars."
This Athens band hit my radar shortly before AthFest, and I've been hungry for more. Finally caught them live at the 40 Watt last week and it's a good thing I did -- frontman Theo Hilton is reportedly set to hit the road for an extended period with Bloomington, Indiana, band Defiance, Ohio. I'll be eager for Nana Grizol's return to the local circuit.
Nana Grizol - Circles 'Round the Moon
For more on the band see their Myspace, where you can also download a couple more tracks.
Bonus mp3: Defiance, Ohio - Petty Problems
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