Around the horn

Jonathan Coulton
Singer-songwriter/popster Jonathan Coulton will be at The Five Spot in Atlanta's Little Five Points on November 9.
Jonathan Coulton - Drinking With You
Jonathan Coulton - Kenesaw Mountain Landis
Ginger Envelope celebrates the release of their new CD, Edible Orchids, on November 15 at 40 Watt. Venice is Sinking opens.
Ginger Envelope - Failsafe
Venice is Sinking - Pulaski Heights

Tigercity will be at Lenny's in Atlanta on November 21 along with Sovus Radio.
Tigercity - Are You Sensation [via Spinner]
On November 23, Phil Elvrum's Mount Eerie will play at A Cappella Books in Atlanta.
Mount Eerie - The Pull

Legendary Athens band Pylon plays the Fabulous 40 Watt on December 7!
Pylon - Danger [link to Zshare]
Band of Horses will be at The EARL in Atlanta on 12/29 and 12/31 to ring in the new year.
Band of Horses - Is There a Ghost

The Tennesee Arts Commission Gallery in Nashville is featuring the work of Eric Powell (of "The Goon") through November 30.
USA Track and Field bans music players during races. LCD Soundsystem sales to plummet.
Jason Shiga's graphic novel Bookhunter, about militant library police, would be a nice gift for the book lover in your life.

In a 3-part series, Dial B for Blog reveals that Batman was a total ripoff. Scandalous!
Wonder where to keep your pepper spray while jogging? Your wrist, of course.
If I had known about this when I was 14, I would have totally paid $2.95 for it.
Made me LOL: "Stan Lee Presents Se7en." [at Progressive Ruin]
That Jonathan Coulton stuff sounds really good...definitely something worth hearing. Thanks!
4:26 PM
There's a bunch more for free on his website.
Unfortunately for us in ATL, that's the same night as The Pipettes.
6:17 PM
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