Wherein the Black Keys promise to visit, and Jack, Meg, Peter, Bjorn, and John don't even bother to call anymore (sigh)

A conversation, overheard in my imagination:
The White Stripes, The Black Keys, and Peter, Bjorn and John walk into a bar. Each has just released new tour dates.
WS: You know what would be fun?
PBJ: No, what?
WS: We should totally give Atlanta the shaft on our summer/fall tours.
PBJ: Like, for reals! We only ever play in Chicago, New York, and L.A. anyway. Sometimes D.C./Baltimore. Yep.
WS: Oh, we're playing all over the place. Even Mississippi and Alaska! Just not Atlanta. Or even Athens.
PBJ: Genius!
BK: Wait, a minute. You guys are being silly. Atlanta-Athens is a huge market, and we have records to promote. Even the schmucks at MTV have figured out that Atlanta likes indie music or whatever. We'll play there.
WS: Oh.
PBJ: Oh. Where?
BK: We'll be at Tabernacle on June 21, right after Bonnaroo, and WE'RE BRINGING ALONG DINOSAUR JR. It's a pretty nice place, and that'll be a kickass show.
WS: Damn, that's right. The Raconteurs played there last fall, and it was good. But we didn't book it this time for some reason.
BK: See, Atlanta rocks. You should both go there as soon as possible.
Yes, Black Keys. I concur. And now I share your music with the nice people, along with that of your Dino Jr. buddies:
The Black Keys - 10 A.M. Automatic
The Black Keys - All Hands Against His Own
The Black Keys - Grown So Ugly
Dinosaur Jr. - Almost Ready
Dinosaur Jr. - Freak Scene
The Black Keys are also giving away a free live EP via their Myspace.
The Black Keys are in Atlanta on June 21. The White Stripes will not be visiting us, nor will Peter, Bjorn and John. At least not yet. Please come see us soon, guys (and Meg). We don't bite.
UPDATE: Ask and ye shall receive... got word tonight that Peter, Bjorn and John are playing Atlanta in the fall. And to top things off... St. Vincent is coming to a small venue here in the summer. Details TBA!
damn...why you gotta slash dc with baltimore?
11:52 PM
Same reason I slash Atlanta with Athens. Geographic proximity. ;)
12:17 AM
I'm assuming the BK/DJ is just not on sale yet, rather than sold out, anyone know? TM says not currently available online.
9:44 AM
Duh, scratch that, just woke up a bit and saw that they go on sale at 10am this morning.
9:57 AM
Remember that time you rolled into Chicago for like 48 hours and called me up and I had that extra White Stripes ticket for their waaaaay sold out show at the Metro and we went and had a super great time? That was fun.
PS: Run on sentences are RAD!
12:35 PM
Sure do, and still have the ticket stub. Awesome night. I have a feeling the Bonnaroo show won't be quite as intimate.
12:40 PM
i'm already way sick of 'young folks.' the black keys (and the white stripes for that matter) are amazing...
8:24 AM
Sick of "Young Folks" or not, Writer's Block is damn good.
9:38 AM
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