Office hits Atlanta 10/14

Chicago, how you torment me.
First my beloved Cubs play like the Bad News Bears and get swept, and now one of the Windy City's finest indie bands is visiting Atlanta and I can't go. Grrrrrr. The band in question is Office, and they'll be at The EARL on October 14 opening for Earlimart. These guys play a fine, smart brand of danceable indie pop.
Office - The Big Bang Jump
They're touring to support their recently released A Night at the Ritz, which I actually haven't gotten my paws on yet. To hear tracks from that record, hit up their Myspace.
Bonus mp3: Earlimart - The Hidden Track
Thanks, I'll make sure to get there early!
2:14 PM
OFFICE are the shit. I'd go see this if i could :(
8:49 PM
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