Yes, I went to Of Montreal for Halloween. They dressed as Blue Man Group, played a few Prince covers, and had some cool David Barnes video. No, I don't have time to write about it at the moment. I do, however, want to mention what happened with The Decemberists today.
At 11:42 this morning I got an e-mail with the following subject line:

Well, good for them. Not coming to my neck of the woods, but the tour sounds fun. Huzzah, Decemberists!
Six hours later, at 5:43 this evening, came a stunning follow-up:

Oops! Apparently a band member is sick so they've canned the tour. Sucks for those who planned to go, but feces occurs. Hope whoever it is gets better soon.
Now, what I thought really took moxie was that even in spite of canceling an entire tour that fans were worked up about, they included the obligatory "buy our stuff" close in the e-mail:

Really, guys? Can't you send everyone a free B-side or something to apologize instead? Yikes.
Anyway, The Decemberists please my ears despite such shenanigans.
The Decemberists - The Soldiering LifeThe Decemberists - The Engine DriverBack to our regularly scheduled whatnot...